Do not get lost, you're here (x)
Chasing dreams, sometimes we run behind them so far that we begin be confused.
At the beginning it is not so noticeable. They evade the small things: the little things to which we were accustomed.
do not have time for after-dinner phone to a friend,
Hanging from a few weeks the idea of \u200b\u200bthe blog is slowly losing hung outline and details,
There was no time to chat with friends
There was no time to meet with my friends.
Slippers eyes and zapierdzielamy forward, because there is a promise. Written with an uppercase letter, and were it not that I do not want to combine, it would be written and Gothic font;)
stumble on the road, striking the branches you in the face, and even more shit in that wdepnąłeś - everything is null and void, after all, is closer to the promise. Not that you saw or felt that is closer to, or at least that seemed to be closer. But, after running so long, so something must change. Sometimes
promise appears to be in front of you loud and clear, it sometimes seems covered with a mesh of cracks and fissures, but you run in this race with myself, because I still incredibly tempting. Warmth, smell, touch, taste, tone of voice, words and thoughts, which she shares with you.
're running even if you lose sight of the promise when you get the feeling that promise will never be satisfied.
And so you run at breakneck speed, until something you do not stop. Sometimes it can be your own common sense. Sometimes it is convincing friends. And sometimes the devil, who gives to know that it is time for a meeting and this time an appointment will not collapse:)
cold shower from the Devil was to talk. Ordinary conversation a few hours.
with a laugh, with jokes, when I briefly forgot about the promise and just enjoyed the moment.
And so suddenly * * Pierdut epiphany came. Tup tup
* tup *
- Knock knock!
- Who's there?
- Glare
- and certainly at this address?
- Yes, I checked. I am also surprised, but here.
- perhaps the B flat?
- No, they have come to the hilarity
- Then invite
* screech long unopened door, tup tup tup, closing the door *
slows down, for a moment to stop, breathing heavily. Calming breath, wipes the sweat from his forehead, otrzepujesz dust from his trousers. Sole of a shoe rub into a clump of grass, P
Looking wondering for a while where it landed. Well, if you can learn more about the countryside and you know how to find it. Worse if you completely lost your pursuit of Promise.
look again at the direction of the Promise, smile and go in that direction, but this time you often stop to remember the way and enjoy the view.
If you're tired - you do get a moment stop. If the obstruction is in front of you, you can afford to work around it rather than wade through it.
be found. You can draw
his hand to the promise, and to lift her, that too began to go your way.
But you also have time to talk to other people, if your roads to cross or go near you. Some will help you to go, others show pitfalls on the road, there will be some who will show other promises.
be found.
Are you coming, but quietly - no longer zachłyśnięty hope, but still with her.
're going, but you can laugh with the promise and promise.
You go because you want to. You go as you wish. The road is not tiring.
be found. Have you found yourself. Here and now. And that's without
GPSa included; D
song unrelated to the post under any other terms than that of my better mood:) Emo power;)
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