Sunday, February 6, 2011

Malarstwo Obrazy Galerie

Are David Bowie song are able to move us in time?

title of this post is a bit confusing and has some subtext. What? It turns out while reading.

I would recommend a show that is closer to the unknown in Poland, and in my opinion, deserves attention. "Ashes To Ashes " because of that same series in question are criminal production of the BBC. Three seasons from 2008-2010. Top of shares - 2008. Inspector Alex Drake (played by Keeley Hawes), during a robbery arrest hijacker receives shot in the head. He wakes up in the year 1981 (Season 1), confused and surprised about what happened to her. It turns out that the work of the police, investigator. Is among the officers of the matters read in many reports. The head of the investigative section is Gene Hunt (Philip Glenister phenomenal creation), blessed with charisma, is a reflection of the archetype of "Dirty Harry, the policeman with experience and after the crossing. Alex does not treat at the beginning of a world where we went in earnest. It seems to her that is the result of a coma, in which it found itself after the shooting. With time, however, concludes that its actions in the new reality (Whether it is a reality we are never sure that both we and the main character) can be important when it comes to return to the world, which really lives.

heroine meets people she knew. In the first season, her parents, who died in a terrorist attack in 1981. Throughout the season, Alex is trying to change the past, thinking that it will allow her to return home. Letmotivem second series (time share for 1982) is to fight corruption in the police. The third season (year 1983) is the most gloomy. Shares canvas becomes an explanation dark spots of the past, Gene Hunt.

It is difficult to write about "Ashes To Ashes," so that accidental spoiler does not spoil the viewing pleasure. Play it differently. I'll talk about three levels on which you may receive the series.

The first is the crime. Good, old-fashioned serial crime. In each episode, in addition to mainstream shares (attempts to return Alex to the reality of 2008) we are dealing with an interesting investigation. This leads to serial killings, the spectacular theft, acts of terrorism, etc. The action takes place smoothly, and the investigations are shown realistically. An interesting aspect is the collision Alex methods (by education psychologist who specializes in profiling criminals, speaking in modern analytics) with a bit brutal, yet effective means by Commissioner Hunt. Each episode brings some solution, some of the matter are also reflected in discovering the truth about the universe around him.

The second aspect is the socio-political show of the 80s of the twentieth century through the prism of our contemporary women. Modern, liberated woman (for her colleagues to float even feminists), raised in home with left-wing traditions. Alex finds himself in the vortex of the triumph of Thatcherism. England is rich, most people are in favor of policies of the Iron Lady. For Inspector Drake is a shock. There is such an incredible scene in an episode of the third season. An evening at the pub. On television, announced the victory of conservatives in the elections. Everyone in the pub, including Alex from work colleagues get up and applaud, and she was speechless, looking at them in disbelief. Another aspect is the total political incorrectness heroes of the series, of course, in addition to the inspector Drake. Cops smoke cigarettes, drink beer, say Roma "Gypsy" and the homosexual "wanker", so called. IRA combatant "terrorist", and the offender "Fucking bandit." That is, in fact, behave like the vast majority of the population. They are not idealized creature full of wise words. Now I do not mean for any valuation of such an attitude, it's about actually cast at the moment. Another plus is the location of the facts in the background action. The Falklands War, elections in Great Britain and the terrorist attack on the South African embassy in London - all these events are more or less influence on the behavior of the characters.

do not forget about that aspect of pop culture. Serial complete music from the early 80's. Musical illustration of shares are songs by The Clash, Cyndi Lauper, Duran Duran, The Stranglers, The Cure, Billy Joel, David Bowie, Herbie Hancock, Michael Jackson, The Buggles, Spandau Ballet and many other performers who at that time, celebrated the triumphs of the charts. In the series, there are other archetypes of those times, like a red Audi Quatrro that drives Gene Hunt. Besides the already mentioned political incorrectness and the quintessential '80s - kitschy costumes, exaggerated machismo attitude and emerging subculture. In the series, is this a whole lot. Come to this typical British relish. First of all, humor. I have to admit that although I watched it repeatedly docu-crime explode into laughter because of the successful authors show jokes. In addition, several flavors such as: the stage of admission to the Masonic lodge.

third aspect of this ... The name is "paranormal effect." "Ashest To Ashes", although, as mentioned above is a crime series, the film contains many features of the fantasy genre. We do not know whether the world into which she moved Alex is a product of her imagination, or rather the mind, which was hit by a bullet, whether it is an effect of fiction, something like the show "Doctor Who", where the protagonist moves through the various spheres of time, so that quite consciously. One possible interpretation is to place the shares at a purgatory-like limbo or maybe where people are on the borderline of death have a chance to look at their behavior in the past and try to fix their mistakes or straighten the path on which they walked. I must admit that this latest version I like, but that does not mean that it is correct. The filmmakers mix of themes and interpretations, making the viewer must form an an idea of \u200b\u200bwhat watching. And I like very much. Now I will return momentarily to the title of this post, because it is important for several aspects of the show. After the first 'Ashes To Ashes "is the title of a song by David Bowie from the album" Scary Monsters. " Secondly, a clown dressed as a singer in video for this song appears at crucial moments Alex (this is mainly in the first season). Thirdly, I described the series as if the successor is also the endorsed by the BBC, " Life On Mars," whose title is taken from a work by David Bowie. At this point, a small digression on "Life On Mars." Still have not watched the show, but that does not fail to catch up. There are two versions, one zalinkowana by me above, and the other is an American remake , which is available in Poland at the Fox station (platform than some cable TV). But the end offtopu.

worth mentioning here, even erotic sparks between a pair of main characters. Alex and Gene Hunt much divided, but as it turns out too many links. The pursuit of truth, loyalty, justice and wara disagreement on wickedness. So little yet so much. This pair is close, but do not exceed that fine line. Perhaps more than? See for yourself. "Ashes To Ashes series, it is about trust and friendship. Pos cover dressed in a sensational movie szatki have a normal fantasy story about people and their mutual relations. Everyday disputes and abilities (and inability) to deal with it, which gives us life. In addition to the main characters have the whole gallery of interesting secondary characters. Posterunkowi Raymond, Chris and Shazz is also a people whose fate we look at with interest. That weight will not mention the bad antagonists.

recommend the series. Even as the first two episodes you do not find interesting (the main character is annoying at the beginning, because it behaves like the stereotype of blondes), it's worth watching on. Many aspects, "Ahes To Ashes" can provide entertainment on many evenings.

series trailer below:


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