Monday, February 7, 2011

Lads With No Undies On

A Tribute To Gary Moore

This morning I learned that he died Sunday in Gary Moore , jeden z najwybitniejszych gitarzystów wszech czasów. Miał 58 lat…

Z muzyką Moore’a zetknąłem się po raz pierwszy gdzieś w okolicach roku 1989. W jednej z radiowych audycji, nie pamiętam już dziś czy był to „Wieczór płytowy” czy „Metalowe tortury”, puszczono płytę „After The War”. Już od pierwszego utworu muzyka przyciągnęła moją uwagę. Słuchałem z dużym zainteresowaniem i, muszę przyznać, podnieceniem. Soczyste solówki, energetyczne hard rockowe granie, gościnny udział Ozzy’ego Osbourne'a – This all meant that the place became a fan of the Irish guitarist. The crowning achievement of the album was the beautiful, extensive, eight-minute composition "Blood Of Emeralds ", which was long in my memory. I started to look for video tapes (yes - tapes, there were such times), with music by Gary Moore and I came across a great album "Wild Frontier" and "Victims Of The Future". Excellent execution level, even phenomenal solos (Moore was one of the best specialists wajchy) and a very good hard rock compositions. In the 90 twentieth century, Gary Moore, "crossed over" to play the blues, and here our paths diverged somewhat. Of course, the album "Still Got The Blues" and especially the title track , is a masterpiece, but it seems to me that the Irishman is not the end "feeling the blues." I loved to continue to live recordings, but the studio albums were not for me until the end rewarding. Moore thought was always an artist strictly rock and recordings in this style fit me best. But it is now void. He left one of the best guitarists of all time. Musician, which make the etched into the history of contemporary music. We miss you Gary. Rest in peace ...

video below to a piece of "After The War"


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