Monday, January 31, 2011

Difference Between Deluge And Sprinkler Systems

tremalny Ex-planet system, D

man does not believe that his life speak planets, meteorology, and the bloody butterfly causing hurricanes every now and then:) Until the day cometh, but when you see that something like this might be:)

Let's start from the beginning, because I do not want to immediately reveal pointy:)

2 days in working people were furious. Quarrel about anything, irritability, throwing passersby and tombstones in the monitor bazooka pointed at passing colleagues - nothing would surprise us. Suddenly
* * click, change in pressure. And it and outside of humans.
all sleepy, began to take on the consistency of semi rozlazując on keyboards. Until I began to wonder whether the man is not from amoeba instead from a monkey (who we all think now about nibynóżkach should be ashamed !!!). Suddenly
* * click, people begin to raise about your ex. Ex-men, ex-female, ex-friends, ex-friends. There he fell on the ex-pertyz and ex-perymentów ... And no, of experiments was also mentioned, D
and statements of ex-fell to the right and left, not to say from the front and back:)

I suddenly says my ex-. Although it may 'speaks' is too much to say.
Wyedytował your profile on a gay website, putting the information there, as it has changed and matured, and has sent me an automated message from the portal: '[your ex, which is not zamieniliście words from a few months] would want to be with you in a relationship. If you want to confirm your relationship, go to edit profile and in the "partner" enter the username. '.
raised my jaw from the keyboard for a long time - it was the best summary of the maturity I have ever seen: /

connection I've been offered in the style of the generation of Facebook, so I answered it - I removed it from friends.
If it really was an attempt to resume a relationship - the worst possible.
If you attempt to make conversation - failed, much better react to emails / text messages. If the effect zakrapianej
events - I hope it was nice. If
mistake ... tjaa, bright ... P
meteoroloplanetomotyliczny If the influence - in this case he wanted to fate.

jaw was placed back in the right place, now only remains to wait and wonder what it will bring another exciting day.
would have been nice if it was the day on a high winning the lotto;)

edit (2011-02-24):
I got an email from an ex-as corrected: he says that it does not intentionally send such a message that it was case.
Honestly? Not sure if this changes anything ...


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