Thursday, January 27, 2011

Wdm Driver Xp Saa713x

Reunion with paragraph:)

Some time ago I believed that knowledge of Zboczkiem and rake up all over, and the occasional text messages / messages on the hh in a short time disappear. In some respects, said 'ok, if that I would not want to impose' one-off situation, and actually I gave already, in a quiet moment of contact.

phone after the break was very nice, although surprisingly, the proposal to common output of cabaret, who very much wanted to see (I just inserted so I try to avoid words like see ... ooo, the browser checks the spelling: D). Then came the proposal for a common output for a beer before leaving the cabaret - Today at 17:30.
not fully know what to do. On the one hand I wanted to meet and clarify some things / hear the explanation, the other - I was wondering what's the point. After a period of total cut-off of me I've learned not to trust them. A trust is a rudimentary foundation for me even knowing.
But apparently it's always worth trying, not to regret. I agreed. Yesterday
Zboczek changed the meeting time to 18:15. Szpox - warned so no problem.
Today, when I was already on his way, calling me, saying that the rake is tired and hungry after work, so maybe I'd come to them instead of an appointment in the tavern as previously agreed? Quick

train of thought * we made in the pub with them
* I will soon be time
* back from them it will take a hell
* is the area where I would feel bad, especially when I have to honestly say something unpleasant
* came back to me in a hell of time tomorrow to work
* this would require me trouble, and at the moment not really be felt in the mood for them to bother.
yes, I know - especially the latter might mean hostility, but it was not. More cold neutrality of curiosity if it has any chance?
refused to meet with them and said that as something waiting in the pub in which we agreed to.

Some time later he came to the pub Zboczek, without a rake.
first apologized that there is no rake, but he contracted the stomach flu and today I was not even at work (who notices, who?, D). Then he went
conversation. She started very conservatively:) Next I want to laugh - how much is it? Less than half a year has passed since I could talk on any subject? : D We started talking
, he went on talking about is meeting again.
as I was already at a dose% to honesty and courage to speak directly and not hide behind diplomacy, said it all.
Why I trust hard as it looks from my side, it looked like ...
In response heard several explanations, some simply could not provide. But he was honest.
This facilitated conversation. Naruszaliƛmy not certain limits, some things still require appending, but it was talked about, explained, talked on without killing, which would have to avenge the bloodshed of our family;) In the agreement on the knowledge there was a few paragraphs, of which we are aware.
The problem here is in the middle of Rakes - when you do not know why in a moment and then insists on a meeting he avoids; When I do not know what it really comes to him on the head. Ehhh ... Sitting now in a compartment in my head and would be hard to meet me over a beer with one while the other does not want to know me, or somehow forced to rake in three meetings and pretending that everything is ok between us, so we can talk with Zboczkiem and to drink beer.

I do not know what comes next - next week we have to see the cabaret, then was supposed to be a beer (as I learned today - happy birthday rake) that are not planning to come too because at the cabaret I was also their guests, which I wanted to address. And here comes yet another split, or go without pain? I do not know.
By today's meeting with Zboczkiem I know that I would like to keep friends, over the past few months - I know that makes no sense to fight for power.
see what is successful with this rig:)


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