Friday, January 21, 2011

Is Masterbation In Public

Oral Ping-Pong

Well, it's not about tongue and ball; P

When people have different approaches to certain issues, avoid saying things that in some way that they were related, on the other hand did not dare to say your thoughts directly, we have oral sex ping pong.
And now to explain more about what's going on: it is two guys gays. Mr A and Mr B. Any resemblance to me, Mr. A and Mr. B to SniffoĊ‚aka is purely coincidental and unintentional: P

A: I was very pleasantly
B: God, do not usually go to bed with men, with whom I am not therefore

A: I like you and forgive I said so, even if that means you feel uncomfortable
B: I have not woke up from the coms, some are complex (followed by a longer description fizykobiologicznych irregularities, the film catastrophic who watched)

A: I thought about this and I do not like this situation. Especially the fact that you're so far
B: try not to think about

Another time, B is feeling down and A tries to talk to him. B claims to be busy for a long time by clicking the 'like it' on the various posts on FacePalmie then disappears for a walk with the comment 'walk. talk to you later. "

On the other hand we can out-talk half the night, can speak very kind and tender things. And I feel like from one side of a good feeling with me, but on the other desperately wanted to avoid getting into a relationship with me.
It's really tiring.
Even the mere prospect of long distance relationship for me is frightening, but waiting for someone who is not even a long distance relationship, with the hope that one day maybe something will come of it, it's really tiring.

A: I would like to see you
B: I will come to Krakow start to melt as it thaws ...


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