Monday, January 3, 2011

Running Tummy In Toddlers

P XO XO Gossip Gay or small (it) complexes;)

Ploty, rumors, gossip ...

not kid ourselves - the environment is so gay closed and merged so many dependencies that you probably fucked up the guy who did the ice cream boy who once leaned against a guy who fucking Tom Cruise (do not kid yourself: P). Okay, so it really exaggerated and that the relationship would be in the eighth row, but the fact is a fact: D

When you meet gay friends, very often the conversation turns to gossip. Most of you read the box, most of you watching Gossip Girl. Let's be honest - we plotkarzami:) I would however not called, the subtle warnings or allusions, talking about friends or telling anecdotes - it's still gossip and obgadywanie:)

Obgadywanie people - a vile and nasty!
I am ashamed for you!
Not to mention how amazing I am ashamed for myself - this whole blog is a great combination of backbiting gossip: D

According to surveys, men gossip more than women, but they do it in a way much more delicate: fences are often simply a statement of fact rather than to act insulting someone or release it in a negative light (I share the linguistically incorrect definition of gossip as a rumor, and not just rumors defamatory). Anecdotes about

ex'ach, on current, potential and future ... Who can be trusted, who slept with half of Krakow and Krakow half of whom refused to ... How
Who was in bed and who was what ...
And what's interesting - on these last two themes runs boundary of good taste and culture in the rumor. Usually these are things that are said at the stage of at least 3 beers. This is the stage when everything you say you can knock on the alcohol consumed, while talking with the meaning of P unwritten rule that alcohol is exempt from liability (and that 95% of heterosexuals is bisexual after the fifth brewery) is one of the fascinating sociological puzzles: D
Because How else to run down to the bottom of someone you disliked, if about half theme you have to bite the tongue, P 3 beers and tell more: P But why

about sex and the size is so rigorously treated as a taboo? For perhaps the most
ubodłoby ego hear that you are lousy in bed or that he is a little.
I remember a mate, yet he was a student, who explained (!!!) that he has such a small, because in childhood he spilled hot tea on him.
ended up in bed with a guy who apologized for the fact that (!!!) is small. Never mind that in the only bed we slept. Well, almost only, P

Once familiar with the park has fulfilled a discussion on this topic. It was said then that the statement pasyw zwykle mówi aktywowi że jego kutas jest o 'rozmiar' większy niż w rzeczywistości uważa. Czyli że jeśli mówi że jest duży, to tak naprawdę jest przeciętny, jeśli słyszy 'średni' to naprawdę jest mały, a 'o kurwa, on jest za duży' jest prawdziwe tylko jeśli nie ma lubrykantu a głos jest nasycony autentycznym przerażeniem ;D
Po tym stwierdzeniu jeden z facetów zaczął się śmiać, drugi wyszedł do toalety. 'Jak pierwszy raz wylądowaliśmy w łóżku, powiedziałem mu że jest średni' - usłyszałem wyznanie przerywane śmiechem ;P
Słyszałem też to say that when you hear that size does not matter, it is an attempt at consolation; P But do not kid yourself - size does matter, at least within certain limits, P

Are you too like this joke?
woman in bed with a rich guy:
- You put already?
- Yes
- Ohhhhh, yeeaaah! What he duuuużyyy!

I've already stated some time ago that I would rather make love than have sex, and to fall in love do not need to look a guy in the pants ... although I would not have special resistance to check, and I would prefer that there was something D


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