Monday, April 11, 2011

Combination Calculator With Details

Tags ... and challenges with prizes

Hi :)

For today I prepared two tags - absolutely adored my form!

first tag is another challenge which invites Our blog Vintage Affair
started yesterday and runs until May 10! You are cordially invited to participate!
topic is timely: EASTER TAG / TAG EASTER
Just take a tag with the drawing, which is available on the OVA and you can win a surprise funded by INKIDO.
My tag is made precisely on the basis of their papers:)

second tag is another challenge on the blog Guria Craft Artwork
Cycle "winged THOUGHT", on the other: Unfulfilled Dream
encourage you to participate, if someone did not have time to the first, it can still do it ...
whole must be completed by the end of the challenge ... to 06/05/1911 at midnight.
Then the one of the participants will receive a prize in the form of stamps by Tim Holtz:)

details for Craft blog Artwork:)



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