Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Menwearing Womens Panties

The Smell of Death Surrounds Me ...

Get on the bus. At the beginning of my nostrils unpleasantly annoying smell of disinfectant. Well, the cost of getting on the loop - but I have to take a seat "not for the Red Cross' own breast which I will defend the mohair staruszkami, mothers with children and other creatures wszelakimi. The book in hand and read. Suddenly

gentle tug of your left nostril. The intense smell of sweat. Ehhh, sat next to me unless the guy who recently was at the gym, and neither before it nor after it did not take a shower. Olfactory impression as if he had not taken him a long time. Maybe there is an unbeliever? *

get up and move to another part of the bus. Free space. At the next stop
mounts that seems to stick just before she poured the contents of each channel Five. Fortunately it is not winter, because in conjunction with the smell of old fur and mothballs would create delightful scent, and the owner of the same I would start throwing balls on the moth ... Powietrzaaaaaaaaaaaaa!

end of the bus itself, at the open window, inhale-exhale. Krakow Świeżawe air, filling the air I smell a known lead, and sulfur with trace amounts of oxygen. Suddenly
- Four homeless attacked my space własnocielnie generated atmosphere. Unique habitat they felt like, damn: /

Ehh, usiadłbym circle sweat (and not in the way that is much admired;)), but the space occupied by the owner of the cat. It would be possible orient. Well
march to the front of the bus. In total overhaul of traffic jams and more at the bus overlap than invading the city.

And suddenly in front of the bus attack of Garlic! And it's incredibly intense! Damn Van Hellsing or another Vampire Slayer!
And no - it's just me;)

One of the few songs in German, which I like. I still do not know why: D

* They walk down the street the two nuns and two metals meet. To each other in horror:
- Oh, they probably have never seen a shower!
Nuns gone, and the metals among themselves:
- You, what is this shower?
- I do not know, I'm a believer.


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