Monday, March 7, 2011

Da Cor Do Pecado English Subtitles

system failure ... reboot required ... Restart. completed:)

After recent events, I needed a reset. And it's decent. Usually
myślociągi solve in another way, but now I needed was just a grand finale myślociągu which required stronger measures.
I was able to arrange rentals on Friday. Just visit the wall crying, to take with you exactly and deducted the appropriate amount for the evening (enough to be cut off in three sucks and that sufficed for a taxi, not enough to put drinks and go back limousine, D

speaks on Thursday was karaoke at the Coco. But first we had to prepare the foundation. Ice Queen, an expert in some areas arranged an alchemical to me earlier in his friend's pub.
must admit that the government cherry shots in spirit seemed. Even so, most tasted cherry-spirytusoratyfikowano-strawberry:)
I started talking stick (practically on any subject) and it got so cheerful in general:)
the karaoke of course, only part of the planned future people (and I'm talking here about planned to come to karaoke, not to the world - need to explain this second individually with parents).
was Whisper, who finally is temporarily imported into the country with limited (for all) expiry date of the conversation. How I missed chat with him live: D Anyway, more are missing because you do not nagadaliśmy enough for me:)
former Ice Queen, after which it was clear that despite the amount of absorbed ethanol, climates will continue to karaocznych disco, but she did a good face on the bad game, not wanting
Shona - finally meeting after a long time:)
Don Padre with a group of altar boys:) I was
I was happily:) And even
danced with Don Padre, from what I remember:)

next day, heal a hangover, a half day of preparation and pizza party.
this time composed of the Devil, Niezaszufladkowana Vegetarian and Lesbian header and me. It started innocently
- from quiet conversations in the kitchen, I ended the absurdity of packing boxes, and firing them in a space like confetti:)
talks on serious themes, of course, were carried out in such a way that zrywaliśmy sides with laughter. And so it was not clear: the smoked shisha molasses, without additives.
header several times changed the color on the color skomplementowanego turtle (enough to say a few texts on the towing, when smoking a water pipe, or virginity when he said what drinks have never tried;)). Vegetarian Niezaszufladkowana
Lesbian fought for women's liberation from the clutches of types and stereotypes, and the Devil turned worse is that it responds to the presence of meat than holy water (at least I think so - at the holy water will not find me because I'm starting to smoke after it;)). She left us a little
Kana Galilee, the best drinks because it managed to mix in the end. White Martini, lychee juice, apple juice, lime and ice. Yum:)
reviews powsadzało with adequate transport and przegnało to the four winds:) Well, actually 2: The Devil and the header went in the same direction:)

Saturday was a day of rest this weekend before Sunday, during which he watched Manifestation (ehhh, those drums), was found to be strange things in the Main Square (no, not the P), nagadałem for a long time with excellent coffee in the basement of the Coffee Heaven with a header, powygłupiałem at a meeting of LGBT volleyball players and volleyball players (such as Turtle pet and usually can bring a smile to your face:)), dancing rumba on the Vistula and the stadium was simply sensational:) The only jarring
was that returning my phone froze and I had warmed it in the hands of this Park a few minutes before I could call him a cab:) Zimnooooo xD Although further after a few hours of walking and talking in the middle warmer:)

returned home, after warming up with hot water and lay down in bed ...
And here is out of reset, the system returned to normal and, unfortunately, a common state action. After a band of pure, crazy fun - come another night howling at the moon.
But I can handle another day - another day it will be better. With a little help from my friends:)


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